Online ADHD Diagnosis and Assessment: What You Need to Know

In recent years, there has been a significant rise in awareness of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). As a result, more people are seeking a diagnosis and understanding of this neurodevelopmental condition. With the increasing integration of technology in healthcare, many processes — including ADHD assessment — have found a digital footprint. Here, we’ll delve into the online options available for ADHD diagnosis and the different types of tests on offer.

What is ADHD?

Before discussing online assessments, it’s crucial to understand ADHD. ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder in which a persistent pattern of inattention and/or hyperactivity-impulsivity interferes with functioning or development. The symptoms of ADHD vary among individuals, and diagnosis often requires a comprehensive assessment.

Reasons to Opt for Online ADHD Diagnosis


One of the primary reasons individuals opt for online evaluations is the ease of access. Not everyone lives close to specialists or has the resources to travel for multiple sessions.


One may complete an online assessment at one’s own pace, at a convenient time and setting.


For those who may feel a stigma around seeking a mental health diagnosis, online methods can offer a semblance of privacy.

However, it’s essential to note that while online tests can provide valuable insights, they are often just a part of a comprehensive diagnostic process.

Types of ADHD Tests Available Online

Screening Questionnaires

These are often the first step. Tools like the Adult ADHD Self-Report Scale (ASRS) or the Conners’ Rating Scales can help individuals understand if they exhibit ADHD-like symptoms. However, these are primarily screening tools and do not serve as definitive diagnostic instruments.

Computerized Continuous Performance Tests (CPTs)

These tests measure a person’s sustained and selective attention and impulsivity. During the test, people respond to specific stimuli, and the software calculates errors of omission, commission, and reaction time. Examples include TOVA and QbTest.

Neuropsychological Tests

Some platforms offer a series of tasks or games designed to measure various cognitive functions, such as memory, attention, and impulsivity. While not exclusive to ADHD, these tests can highlight cognitive profiles consistent with the disorder.

Comprehensive Online Assessments

Some platforms provide more in-depth evaluations, integrating personal history, symptom reports, and performance tasks to give a rounded picture of the individual’s cognitive and behavioral patterns.

Seeking Professional Follow-Up

Remember, while online ADHD tests can be a good starting point, they shouldn’t replace a comprehensive evaluation by a professional. If you or someone you know suspects they might have ADHD based on an online test, the next step should be to consult a mental health professional or specialist in ADHD. They can provide a more in-depth assessment, considering various factors that an online test might miss.


How do online ADHD assessments differ from traditional in-person evaluations?

Both online and in-person evaluations aim to diagnose ADHD accurately, but their methodologies can differ. Online assessments often rely on self-reported symptoms, computerized tests, and objective measurements using software tools. In contrast, traditional evaluations involve face-to-face interactions with a clinician, observations, and may incorporate feedback from teachers, family members, or colleagues. However, in-person evaluations may offer a holistic view that considers nuances and environmental factors.

Are online ADHD assessments as accurate as in-person evaluations?

The accuracy of online ADHD assessments largely depends on the platform, tools used, and the individual’s honesty when self-reporting symptoms. Some computerized tests, like the Continuous Performance Tests (CPTs), are highly reputable and can be as reliable as components of in-person evaluations. However, a comprehensive diagnosis often requires a broader view, considering one’s life history, and observations from others, and ruling out other conditions, which might be better achieved in person.

What should I consider when choosing an online ADHD assessment platform?

Look for platforms backed by scientific research and endorsed or recognized by reputable mental health organizations. Ensure they use validated instruments for testing. Check user reviews and feedback to gauge the experiences of others. It’s also crucial to see if the platform provides guidance on next steps post-assessment and has mechanisms to refer users to professionals for further evaluation.

Can children be assessed for ADHD online?

While online assessments are available for children, their effectiveness can be debated. Young children, in particular, might not be reliable in self-reporting symptoms, and nuances in their behavior could be overlooked without direct observation. Parent-reported symptoms can be part of the evaluation process, but it’s generally recommended that children undergo a comprehensive in-person assessment for an accurate diagnosis.

How do I know if an online assessment tool is merely a “quick quiz” versus a more comprehensive tool?

Look at the depth of the questionnaire or tool. Quick quizzes might only take a few minutes and provide instant results. At the same time, comprehensive tools might require extended periods and often involve multiple aspects, such as performance tasks, detailed self-reports, and sometimes input from others. Also, research the tool’s background—validated tools will typically have associated scientific literature or be recommended by ADHD or mental health organizations.

After taking an online assessment, I received a “likely” diagnosis. What are my next steps?

A “likely” diagnosis from an online tool is an indicator that you may exhibit ADHD-like symptoms, but it’s not a definitive diagnosis. The next step is to consult with a mental health professional or an ADHD specialist. They can delve deeper into your symptoms, history, and other potential factors, ensuring an accurate diagnosis and guiding you toward appropriate treatment options.

Are there any risks or drawbacks to using online ADHD assessments?

There are a few concerns. One is the risk of self-diagnosing based solely on online results, which might lead to unnecessary anxiety or incorrect self-perception. Also, not all online tools are created equal; some might not be scientifically validated. Relying solely on an online assessment might overlook other co-existing conditions or lead to misdiagnosis. It’s always recommended to use online assessments as initial tools and seek professional consultation for a comprehensive evaluation.


The digital age has opened up new avenues for understanding and diagnosing conditions like ADHD. Online assessments have certainly brought convenience and accessibility to the forefront. But as with many things online, it’s crucial to approach with caution and discernment. 

Online ADHD tests can provide valuable initial insights, but a complete diagnosis should always be based on a comprehensive evaluation by a trained professional.

At Telapsychiatry, our commitment is to offer you thorough individualized care that meets your needs. Call us at 888-903-5505 or schedule an appointment online.

Also Read: ADHD Overview- Attention Deficit Disorder & Discussion on Treatment Options (Adderall, Ritalin, Vyvanse)

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