Many commercial insurance plans have high deductibles. This means you must pay for services until you have met your deductible before your insurance covers most of your costs. Once a deductible has been met, then you may have a small co-pay that needs to be paid for your visits.
Telapsychiatry always attempts to check your benefits, such as your copays, deductibles, and co-insurance, on health insurance plan portal websites. We also try to call your insurance plan to verify your benefits. However, we may not be able to always retrieve accurate information from your insurance carrier. That is why we always encourage you to reach out to your insurance company for the most accurate information about your benefits.
Telapsychiatry sometimes must wait for insurance companies to reimburse our claims to determine the patient portion of the co-pay or deductible. This can delay our invoices, and sometimes, it can take us a few months to properly sort out your payments and determine your portion, if any, of the costs. Please be patient with us during this time.
The final obligation to pay for services rests with you, the patient, but we try our best to ensure that you know the costs before your first appointment.
Please inform us of any changes in your insurance coverage or mental health benefits as soon as you know so we can identify any changes to what you will have to pay for services.