Major Depressive Disorder (MDD), often called clinical depression, is a common mental health disorder affecting millions globally. MDD is not just about feeling sad or a short period of low mood; it's a severe and long-term condition that significantly affects your emotions, daily life, behavior, and overall health.
Symptoms vary, including ongoing feelings of sadness and hopelessness and physical issues like sleep problems and low energy.
MDD can start at any age, usually in teens or early adulthood. It affects people of all genders, races, and social statuses, making it a widespread issue.
The World Health Organization identifies MDD as a top cause of disability worldwide, underlining its major global health impact. Many people with MDD don't seek help due to stigma, unawareness, or lack of resources, making the issue even more challenging.
At Telapsychiatry, we recognize the difficulties of Major Depressive Disorder and are dedicated to providing thorough, individualized care for those dealing with it.
Our treatment approach includes proven therapies, medication management, lifestyle changes, and supportive counseling. Our goal is not just to ease the symptoms of MDD but to help our patients regain control of their lives and maintain long-term well-being.
We believe everyone deserves a life free from the weight of depression. At Telapsychiatry, we're here to support that journey.