Tsung Wai Aw-MD, FAPA

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Dr. Aw first became interested in psychiatry due to a family member who had schizophrenia. Subsequently, he saw firsthand how mental illness can impact the entire family. He learned that by improving one person's mental health, he could improve the health of a whole family or even the community.

Dr. Tsung Aw’s Clinical Interests

Dr. Aw's primary interest is the intersection between mental and physical health. Dr. Aw’s philosophy is that one does not exist outside the other. Furthermore, depression and anxiety in patients who are also suffering from medical issues can feel significantly worse, and it is his goal to get patients on a holistic road to recovery.

An ideal patient for Dr. Aw understands that it takes a team to get them feeling better, and it is a collaboration between the patients themselves and Dr. Aw.

He enjoys using a collaborative approach and states:

“There must be buy-in from my patients. Otherwise, they won’t trust my recommendations, and we both should be agreeable to the game plan for getting better.“

Dr. Aw joined Telapsychiatry because he believes telepsychiatry works and significantly impacts patients who would otherwise be unable to get help. Due to that, he has been able to treat about 500 patients a month with telepsychiatry, albeit most of his patients were patients who said they would have never gotten help if telepsychiatry wasn’t an option.

Dr. Aw’s Education

Dr. Aw completed a residency at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, where he served as Chief Resident. Subsequently, he completed a clinical fellowship in Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry (a branch of psychiatry focusing on the intersection between physical illness and mental illness) at Yale New Haven Hospital.

Subsequently, he then worked in telepsychiatry for three years at Teladoc Health. Finally, he taught part-time/voluntary at various medical schools over the past three years.

Dr. Tsung Aw’s Personal Interests

Dr. Aw enjoys several hobbies. He spends most of his free time reading and traveling. He enjoys experiencing a paradigm shift when visiting a new culture. Dr. Aw is from Malaysia and aims to reduce mental health stigma in Malaysia.

Working Hours

Monday - Friday: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm EST
Closed Saturday & Sunday

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